Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mt Washington Cog Railway, New Hampshire

Mt Washington, situated at the White Mountain region of New Hampshire in USA, with a summit height of 6288 ft., is the highest mountain in north-east American and was believed to be the home of Great Spirit by ancient natives. The summit today has turned into a State Park where during clear weather, views covered as far as to Canada and five northern states of USA. It is named Home of the World's Worst Weather because of its notorious weather extremes, bitter cold, dense fog, heavy snow,wet and high wind. It was the site of the fastest wind ever recorded on earth at 231 mph. The Mt Washington Observatory founded in 1932 today still continues its weather monitoring and research.

Mount Washington Cog way founded in 1866, 20 years later after the auto road, is the first mountain climbing cog railway in the world.

Completed with vintage steam engines and replica coaches, the Cog Railway become the main and safety carriage to get to the top of the mountain.

Mt Washington Cog Railway is American's national historic engineering landmark and today's heritage.

Cog Railway was invented and constructed by Sylvester Marsh in 19th century but was owed by Presby and Bedor families for the past 25 years, until today.

The service of steam trains depends very much on the weather. It works perhaps for only 6 months in a year.

Marshfield Base Station sitting at a plateau of 2700 ft above sea level, offers fantastic views of surrounding mountains and valleys.

At an elevation of 2700 ft, Marshfield Base Station has an indoor on-site Museum and outdoor display of antique engines to provide detailed information on the history and engineering knowledge of the railway.

Cog railway ticket at about US$60.00 per adult was obtainable inside the building of Marshfield Base Station.

The steam train takes off from Marshfield base station and takes about an hour to reach the summit.

Magnificent view of Mt Washington from the base station.

The wild grass and plant life at the 2700 ft high station areas beautifully coated with snow ice.

Though it is only 2700 ft high at base station, it was rather chill in this month of October. Snow at many areas and places had turned into hard freezing ice.

Outdoor display of antique engines.

The indoor on-site museum at base station shows every part of the cog rail and how it works and also the history.

The smoke of cog rail spread over the snow capped mountain top of Mt Washington .

Mt Washington is the main backdrop screen fro Marshfield base station.

Site Scenery surrounded Base Station.

Gorgeous snow ranges behind Mt Washington Hotel. .

The century old beautiful Mount Washington Resort Hotel, surrounded by 800,000 acres of White Mountain National Forest is nested at the foot of the Presidential range offers modern amenities inclusive of golfing to its guests and gorgeous scenery to the passing by travelers .

Mt Washington Hotel was the site of the world famous Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

During Bretton Woods Monetary Conference, The world Bank was established and gold was set at 33.00 dls per ounce, American Dollars was chosen as the backbone of international exchange.

In year 1944, The representatives of 44 countries gathered in Mount Washington Hotel, holding a meeting that provided the world with a badly needed post war currency stability.

Golf field of the hotel was at the foot of snow mountain.

Mt Washington hotel is nested within ranges of snow mountain.

Spectacular views from Mt Washington hotel .

A marvelous scenic drive way towards Mt Washington.

Mt Washington always welcome you ahead of your journey.

The scenic road heading towards Mt Washington.

View of Mt Washington.

Far View of Mt Washington.

Crawford Notch was named after Abel Crawford and his son Ethan Allen, who found the first footpath to the summit of Mt Washington in 1819 and later improved it into horses' bridal pathway in 1840 followed by opening of carriage auto road 20 yeas later.

Crawford path is the oldest maintained footpath in United States.

Beautiful scenery along the journey to Mt Washington.

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